Wednesday, March 27, 2013


  It has taken over two years to become registered with the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD). This agency oversees the work of NGOs and the licensing of them.
  Up until this time we had not had the option of Duty-Free status. There has been slow progress on our part to gain the registration necessary. However, Elder Hardick wanted to see this accomplished before he returned to Canada in late January.
  An outside attorney, Mhe-anne Ojeda, was brought on-board to do just one thing - get us registered.
A lot of information was gathered to complete the acknowledgement that our charitable work has been done in each region of the country. We wanted to apply only one time and be covered every where in the country. For 2 months we searched all documents, e-mails and other communications to validate our work in every province. And on January 15, 2013 at 5 pm (the deadline) all documents were turned in. Just a few weeks later and we were notified that it was complete and we qualified..
The awarding of the "Certificate of Registration" was done just a few weeks after Elder Hardick returned home. But he had left with a job well done.
The photo shows Atty. Mhe-anne Ojeda, President Micheal Teh (Area President), Sister Hadlock and I and the Elder and Sister Bailey from Public Affairs.
Immediately after the awarding was a meeting to clarify what the certificate meant and what we needed to do with the information to apply for Duty-Free status on each of our shipments.
Little did I know at that time, that this was just the first step of many to accomplish our goal to reduce the cost of items sent to the Philippines for our projects.

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