Saturday, August 25, 2012


   More requests are coming into the Philippine Area Office for food and other supplies. We are also putting together hygiene kits, baby kits, sleeping kits and if needed, cleaning kits.
   The hygiene kits consist of alcohol for disinfecting, tooth paste, tooth brushes, bath soap, bar soap for laundry and toilet paper. After safety and food, this is the next requested need. I can't even imagine how grimy I would feel dealing with the muck for a week. Give me a shower!
   The sleeping kits consist of mat and blanket. The baby kit are made up of diapers and wipes. And as they return to their homes, cleaning kits. These are made up of bleach, rubber gloves, powered soap, and scrub brushes. As I mentioned before, the needs change on a daily basis.

The second round of packing took place on Monday August 20th. It has been declared a Holiday by the President of the Philippines. It is also a national holiday on Tuesday, so if we don't get the packing done on Monday, we have Tuesday to finish it up. We again called for volunteers and hoped to get 200 to do the work. It's a holiday, so we are not sure how the response will be. Our projected start time is 8am. By 7:15am they are starting to show up. By 8:30am we have well over 300 and still coming. To accommodate the numbers, we just assign every original job to 2 people or even 3 as the numbers grow.
We are packing both food and hygiene kits today and hoped to get a majority done by 4pm. The volunteers just kept coming and except for some cleanup and missing product, we completed the work by 11am.
More food kits were produced this day as well as equal amount of hygiene kits. I have to marvel at the willingness of the volunteers. Many more volunteers showed up in the afternoon even though the work was done. We guess we had over 600 volunteers respond for our request for help.
Even the smallest of children want to help. This little boy was taking the empty food boxes to a place to be broken down by the older children.

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